Staying Motivated

It happens all too often. You set a goal for the day, the week, the month. You start out feeling motivated and ready for anything. Take health and fitness, for example. I will be the first to admit that motivation for that 'fitlife' did not come easy. It would have a moment in the spotlight, and then I would lose all focus. However, something strange happened last summer. I found my stride in the gym, and actually enjoyed it and have continued to enjoy and progress in my own individual way. This hasn't happened all in its own though; I have driving forces in place when motivation evades me. 

Plan It Out
This is a no-brainer. If you feeling uninspired, unmotivated or just a bit anxious, knowing what you're doing in the gym during a specific session will really help you out. Some people like to write it down on paper, I just prefer to pop into my phone notes - that way, if its a workout that I really enjoy I can save it again for another time.

Have Fun
The most important thing for me is enjoying what I do in the gym. Yes,  having pre-planned workouts is always helpful but if Tuesday is your cardio day and you go in on Tuesday thinking CARDI-NO, then don't do it. Swap things around. Improvise. If I'm not feeling cardio, plyometric training is the one. Short explosive exercises equal super high heart rate equals productive workout.

Don't Compare
For a long time, I would constantly compare myself to others. How heavy they could lift, how fast they could run, but was this getting me anywhere? No. I started to focus on myself and my journey to getting happy and strong. Focus on reaching your personal best, and chasing everybody else's.